Monday, February 27, 2012

Week of Feb. 27th - March 2nd

General Biology: We are starting the genetics unit. MOST documents are on my website, but a few are not. PLEASE see me if you need another copy of anything that is not in my document manager! Test Wed. March 7th!

Honors Biology: Meiosis Test has been moved to Wed. Feb. 29th! We will start the Genetics unit on Thursday, March 1st. A few handouts are NOT in my document manager.  PLEASE see me if you need another copy of anything that is not in my document manager!  Test is Tuesday, March 13th!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week of Feb. 13-17: Mrs. G. will be absent

Please follow your schedule!  You can always go to my website for any documents you need.
Honors: On Monday you will do a webquest.  Both sites are on my "useful links" page on my website to save you time!  Please start preparing NOW for the test on Thursday!
General Biology: You will be working on a new unit. When I return (after the 3-day weekend), we will review what you covered during the week.  Remember Google Voice!